Why La Niña Modoki poses big crop risks for Argentina's corn and soybeans(ZCH25) (ZCK25) (CORN) (ZSH25) (ZSK25) (SOYB) “Why La Niña Modoki poses big crop risks for Argentina's corn and soybeans” by Jim Roemer - Meteorologist - Commodity Trading Advisor - Principal, Best Weather Inc. & Climate Predict - Publisher, Weather Wealth Newsletter
Following nearly two years of our overall bearish attitude in corn and soybeans, inspired by our forecasts of big U.S. and South American crops, we became “cautiously” friendly towards corn and soybeans a week ago. But how long will that sentiment last? After all, Brazil will produce a huge soybean crop, the dollar has been rallying, global supplies of grains are ample and demand has been relatively weak for corn and soybeans.
The climatological factors* that will result in extensive heat and dryness for Argentina (which may also extend into southern Brazil) are features in my climatepredict.com program. This analytic forecast tool is available for my subscribers to the WeatherWealth newsletter.
*These factors are:
- What are our longer-term trading strategies for corn, soybeans and other commodities? Will Midwest dryness extend into the spring and summer?
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